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One Internet with Equal Access for All
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Bobby Approved (v 3.2)
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Copyright ©2000-2004
Online Policy Group, Inc.

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Online Policy Group Board Meeting of September 7, 2002

Open to the public, San Francisco, 12:00 PM Pacific Time, September 7, 2002

Please email for specific location if you wish to attend.

Board Meeting Action Item Summary

New action items followed by action items from prior meetings.

Action Item: Biella to investigate proposal to Alameda County Resource Center.

Action Item: David W. to ask his girlfriend if she wants to do grant writing.

Action Item: Biella to put grant writing intern flyers at local schools.

Action Item: Will to investigate automated task manager email reminders

Action Item: Roger to connect Majordomo2 folks with extreme programmer team.

Action Item: Extreme programmers onto Majordomo2 development list at

Action Item: Will to create HTML stubs for email list, website hosting, domain registration, and colocation services provided by [QueerNet|CCCP], a project of the Online Policy Group.

Action Item: Roger to review all OPG domain registration contacts for bogosity.

Action Item: Will to write release on Special Olympics and Hurricane Electric.

Action Item: Roger to get ssh, ftp, and mail server working for Center tenants.

Action Item: Will to investigate rent reduction for services offered to Center.

Action Item: Roger to add to email list subscription confirmation email a notice not to confirm if under 13 years of age.

Action Item: Biella to recruit Larry Lessig for Academic Advisory Board.

Action Item: Will to change financial reporting so that OPG, QueerNet, and General (Undesignated) classes are combined into one and that reporting can be done on Internet Services versus Research expenses. [Done: Will checked into this and reports could be difficult to do automatically in accounting system while still using that facility to track CCCP expenses.]

Action Item: Will to prepare next fiscal year budget with assistance from Board (added after Board meeting). [Renewed]

Action Item: Roger and David W. to obtain donor email addresses as discussed. [Renewed]

Action Item: Roger and Will to meet to brainstorm on major donor strategy. [Renewed]

Action Item: Will to investigate recurring donation capability. [Working under PayPal with commissions, requested Network for Good to add the capability.]

Action Item: Biella to check with volunteer Ronak if he will do phpbb evaluation. [Done: evaluation completed by Jim Pick and Tim McNerny.]

Action Item: Roger to create virtual machine so we can use it as a staging area. [Done]

Action Item: Roger to check out copy of Majordomo2 onto [Renewed, completed after meeting.]

Action Item: Roger to add central script repository on [Renewed]

Action Item: Roger to figure out what needs to be backed up for OPG/QueerNet and report that to Ilya. [Renewed: David W. will do a written redundancy plan including mail server (MX2), local backups, remote backups, spam block recovery, web server failover, crash notification, DNS redundancy, and get in touch with Micah of Tech Fed.]

Action Item: David W. to task Ilya with coming up with a plan to manage network backups that takes network load management into account. [Merged into previous item.]

Action Item: Will to put radio button on client forms to indicate if OK to list them as a client of OPG/QueerNet. [Done]

Action Item: Will to add item in Terms of Service and put notification on form that you will be added to email list for "administrators" if you request services. [Done]

Action Item: David W. to check with CCCP clients if OK to list them as client of OPG/CCCP. [Done]

Action Item: Will to get graphic intern to do QueerNet and CCCP logos plus QueerNet and CCCP inserts for the brochure, as well as office signs once logos are done. [Renewed: OPG interns had no success on logos, David W. may have a volunteer.]

Action Item: David W. to email Will with information on who at CCCP will review logo, brochure insert, and sign. [Done]

Action Item: Will to check on switching OPG phone number to Center office number if voicemail works and can be accessed from outside the office. [Status: Will resistant because not staffing office -- mail can be picked up from reception desk at the Center.]

Action Item: Will to email PDF of brochure to Roger. [Renewed]

Action Item: Will to experiment with brochure design to move name of organization down and increase size of motto while decreasing size of contact info block. [Renewed]

Action Item: Will to investigate T-shirt designs. [Renewed: Rejected German artist design, soliciting designs.]

Action Item: Roger to ask Bill about sales mechanism for OPG T-shirts. [Status: Roger asked, waiting to hear response, will ask again.]

Action Item: Roger and Will to do test market email to list-owners about T-shirts and stickers. [Renewed]

Action Item: Roger to set up email list of website-owners. [Renewed, along with request for nested *-owners-* lists.]

Action Item: Biella to attend a BAIDO meeting. [Renewed]

Action Item: Biella and Will to schmooze about OPG at Ruckus Tech Tool Camp. [Done]

Action Item: David to provide a photo and bio for use on the OPG website. [Done]

Action Item: Roger to let forum email list know about Majordomo2 API. [Done after meeting.]

Action Item: CCCP R&D Director to create failover strategy and implement it. [Status: Combine with redundancy plan item for David W. above.]

Action Item: David W. to follow up with Paul about sending out an OPG fundraising appeal to the Flock list and other lists he may suggest. [Renewed: Will to send shorter appeal to Paul]

Action Item: Biella to follow up with Praveen if there are lists where he may be able to send out a fundraising appeal. [Done: Biella to check with Praveen, got no response.]

Action Item: Roger to investigate Verio move and let Will know how to gain secure access to physical site if OPG continues colocating there. [Status: Now at United Layer, Roger to check on getting another set of keys for cage for both David W. and Will.]

Action Item: Roger to investigate Verio move and let David W. know about conditions of physical site if OPG continues colocating there so that CCCP can possibly locate additional equipment there. [Update: OPG now at United Layer.]

Action Item: Roger to set up secondary domains for all OPG registered domains which is a simple solution that would list EveryDNS domains as the authoritative name servers of the OPG domains as needed instead of having queernet domain names listed. [Done: although update currently not a workable alternative which will be possible when OpenSRS allows multiple hostnames for same IP for name servers.]

Action Item: Roger to work with volunteer David Scott to develop easy-to-use front-end interfaces for OPG/QueerNet email list administration. [Status: David Scott no longer available.]

Action Item: Roger to write alert explaining why people should leave Yahoo and Topica based on list-owner postings, while warning that we have user interface concerns about having lots of potential clients move over to OPG/QueerNet if they expect a fully developed online community forum capability at this time. [Renewed for 2nd time.]

Action Item: Roger to write alert explaining AOL's hidden blocking of email from OPG/QN. [Renewed for 2nd time.]

Board Meeting Agenda

1. Welcome

2. Approve Agenda

3. Board Responsibilities

4. Review Action Items

5. Financial Report

- Status: Month, Quarter, Fiscal Year to Date

- Forecast: Upcoming revenue and expenses

- Donor thank you notes

- 990 and 199 Filing

- Bank and brokerage account

- Grant proposals

- Fundraising strategy brainstorm

- Board fundraising commitments

6. Online Services

- Services: Email list hosting, Website hosting, Domain registrations, Colocation services

- Support: Task Manager, Upgrades, Redundancy

- Online Community Forum

- New services

7. Research

- Overall: need to recruit volunteers/interns and prioritize projects


- School & Library

- Online oddities & atrocities museum

8. Outreach

- Website status

- Materials: Logo design, website design, business cards, letterhead, brochure, reply card, office sign

- Schwag: T-shirts, stickers, etc.

- Events

9. Action

- Action alert updates

- Legislative updates

10. Network

- Web and email list hosting excellent way to expand networking

- Networking brainstorm

- Tech Fed

11. Media

- Media coverage

12. Office Space


- LGBT Community Center

12. Legal

- Representation

- Terms of Service Policy

- Privacy Policy

- Event Liability

13. Human Resources

- Board, advisory board, and committee recruitment

- Volunteer recruitment (regular weekly project meetings)

- Intern recruitment

14. Vacation and travel schedules

15. Public Comment Period

16. Next meeting(s):

- 12 noon, Saturday, December 7, 2002

- 12 noon, Saturday, March 1, 2003

- 12 noon, Saturday, June 7, 2003

- 12 noon, Saturday, September 6, 2003


Board Meeting Minutes

1. Welcome

Board members attended: Biella Coleman, Will Doherty, Roger Klorese, and David Weekly.

2. Approve Agenda

Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously.

3. Board Responsibilities

Discussed board's oversight and fundraising responsibilities.

4. Review Action Items

Reviewed action items listed above.

5. Financial Report

- Status: Month, Quarter, Fiscal Year to Date

Will presented draft reports.

- Forecast: Upcoming revenue and expenses

David raised possibility of fee-for-service for CCCP which was discussed with the downsides of accounting hassles and philosophical differences.

1) Monthly recurring donations with Will to propose specific budget (possible targets $1690, $1181, $1500, $1500, $2000, $2500, $3000, $4000, $5000, $5000, $6000, $6000)
2) Event proceeds
3) Grants
Action Item: Biella to investigate proposal to Alameda County Resource Center.

- Donor thank you notes

Will has finished donor thank you's through beginning of July donations.

- 990 and 199 Filing

Exempt from filings during first two fiscal years.

- Bank and brokerage account

Stocks down.

- Grant proposals

OPG needs a grant writer.

Action Item: David W. to ask his girlfriend if she wants to do grant writing.

Action Item: Biella to put grant writing intern flyers at local schools.

- Fundraising strategy brainstorm

- Board fundraising commitments

David W. at $100/mo., Roger at $5/mo.

6. Online Services

- Services: Email list hosting, Website hosting, Domain registrations, Colocation services

Going well, colo services facility 2/3 full with 5 servers and 20 client servers including Special Olympics)

- Support: Task Manager, Upgrades, Redundancy

Task Manager is working well since it was set up on April 2, 2002, with production starting in July 2002 around ticket 380, with 38 tasks new and open, and resolved 550-600 of which 1/2 were testing of system

Action Item: Will to investigate automated task manager email reminders

- Online Community Forum

Team of extreme programmers are meeting regularly to develop the system.

Action Item: Roger to connect Majordomo2 folks with extreme programmer team.
Action Item: Extreme programmers onto Majordomo2 development list at

- New services

7. Research

- Overall: need to recruit volunteers/interns and prioritize projects


Inactive at this time.

- School & Library

Lots of work completing research on Internet Blocking in Schools. Press conferences planned for September 18 in three cities: NY, Boston, and San Francisco. Report completion anticipated by end of October.

- Online oddities & atrocities museum

8. Outreach

- Website status

- Materials: Logo design, website design, business cards, letterhead, brochure, reply card, office sign

- Schwag: T-shirts, stickers, etc.

- Events

9. Action

- Action alert updates

- Legislative updates

10. Network

- Web and email list hosting excellent way to expand networking

Action Item: Will to create HTML stubs for email list, website hosting, domain registration, and colocation services provided by [QueerNet|CCCP], a project of the Online Policy Group.

Action Item: Roger to review all OPG domain registration contacts for bogosity.

- Networking brainstorm

- Tech Fed

Discussion: 1) Would OPG host an email list for gay Nazis? No, OPG would not host an email list seriously aligned with Nazi principles, gay or otherwise. 2) Is OPG willing to work with libertarians? Yes, we are.

Motion, seconded, and voted 4 in favor to become an ally of the Tech Fed.
Motion, seconded, and voted 3 in favor, 1 opposed, to approve Tech Fed Points of Agreement, Boot and Decisionmaking Process, and to become a member of Tech Fed.

11. Media

- Media coverage

* profile
* Wired News on Guerilla Queer Bar

- Media releases

Action Item: Will to write release on Special Olympics and Hurricane Electric.

12. Office Space


Doubling space available.

- LGBT Community Center

Action Item: Roger to get ssh, ftp, and mail server working for Center tenants.

Action Item: Will to investigate rent reduction for services offered to Center.

12. Legal

- Representation

Still Alex from Wilson Sansoni.

Action Item: Roger to add to email list subscription confirmation email a notice not to confirm if under 13 years of age.

- Terms of Service Policy

Motion, seconded, and approved unanimously to pass Terms of Service policy with amendments.

- Privacy Policy

Motion, seconded, and approved unanimously to pass Privacy policy with amendments.

- Event Liability

No upcoming events.

13. Human Resources

- Board, advisory board, and committee recruitment

Ellen U. possibility, Phil Gochenour joined Academic Advisory Board.

Nominated, seconded, and voted in David Weekly as OPG Secretary and Enid Gabriella Coleman (aka Biella) as OPG Chief Financial Officer (aka Treasurer).

Action Item: Biella to recruit Larry Lessig for Academic Advisory Board.

- Volunteer recruitment (regular weekly project meetings)

- Intern recruitment

Negotiated free Craigslist unpaid internship listings.

14. Vacation and travel schedules

Biella away Sept 28. - Oct. 28 in Netherlands
David W. away Oct. 7-15
Roger away Sept. 8-11, 13-22

15. Public Comment Period

No members of the public attended.

16. Next meeting(s):

- 12 noon, Saturday, December 7, 2002

- 12 noon, Saturday, March 1, 2003

- 12 noon, Saturday, June 7, 2003

- 12 noon, Saturday, September 6, 2003


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Mission Boards / Committees Bylaws
Events / Accomplishments Volunteers / Interns Policies

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