IMPORTANT: OPG / QueerNet Winding Down Operations – Find New Service Provider by September 30!


Dear OPG / QueerNet Clients, Donors, and Allies,

QueerNet (since 1991) and Online Policy Group (since 1999), which joined together as one organization in 2000, have been offering free Internet services to underserved individuals and organizations, as well as other projects.

At the time, there were very few organizations offering similar services.

In the meantime, the landscape of the Internet has changed dramatically and many organizations, even large corporations, are offering these services for free or at low cost.

As our client base has gradually dwindled, we have found it more and more difficult to maintain the financial and administrative infrastructure required to continue our operations.

For that reason, and although we have mixed feelings about it, we have decided to wind down these services and the non-profit organization.

We’d like to do this in a way that is supportive to our clients, some of whom we’ve been providing services for decades.

So, we’ve decided to continue services until September 30, 2024.

After that date, we’ll no longer support domain registrations, web hosting, email list hosting, or email hosting.

We’d like to make sure that all of our clients have a soft landing wherever you may choose to go.

Please don’t hesitate to let us know if you’d like assistance in finding a new service provider or to transfer services.

We thank all of our clients, donors, and allies for your aid and support and wish you all the best.

One Internet With Equal Access for All,

Roger Klorese & Stardust Doherty
QueerNet / Online Policy Group

Online Policy Group Board Meeting Minutes: July 27, 2023

Meeting Minutes

  1. WelcomeandIntroductions

    Attending: James Hankie (new), Roger Klorese (continuing Executive Director /President), Stardust Doherty (continuing Secretary /Treasurer)

    Quorum achieved
  1. ApprovedAgenda unanimously
  2. Approved Bylaws unanimously (attached)
  3. Board Representation (accepted unanimously resignation of board member David Haney effective as of this meeting, other continuing board members unanimously confirmed, new member James Hankie unanimously elected)
  4. Finances
    ° FY2022-2023 Report (attached)
    ° Fundraising ($1,000 board donation pledged, fundraising letter for planned campaign) ° Approved Credit Union Resolution (attached)
  5. Online Services
    53 email domains
    172 email lists (144 for QueerNet, 21 for OPG, 7 for OPG administration, total not including email lists hosted on client domains)
    72 websites hosted
    48 domain registrations
    New project: Faerie Reliquary and Family Photo Archive
  6. NextMeeting: 12 noon Pacific time on Saturday, July13, 2024

Minutes recorded and approved by:

Stardust Doherty Secretary

On date: July 27,2023

(PDF of Minutes) (PDF of Financial Report) (PDF of Bylaws)