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Online Policy Group, Inc.

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Online Policy Group Operations Advisory Committee Meeting of July 16, 2003

By phone, 7:00 PM Pacific Time, July 16, 2003

Operations Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda

1. Welcome

2. Approve Agenda

3. Committee Responsibilities

4. Financial Report

- Quick Summary Report

5. Services

- Services:

A. Email

B. Email list hosting

C. Website hosting

D. Domain registrations

E. Colocation services

F. Technical consulting

G. Educational training

H. Computer refurbishing/donation

I. New services

- Infrastructure:

J. Task Manager

K. Upgrades

L. Redundancy

6. Outreach

- Prioritize clients to publicize in media releases

- Prioritize clients to publicize in OPG ENEWS

7. Legal

- Representation

- Terms of Service Policy

- Privacy Policy

8. Human Resources

- Volunteer recruitment (regular weekly project meetings)

- Intern recruitment

9. Vacation and travel schedules

10. Next meeting(s):

- 7:00 pm, Wednesday, August 20, 2003

- 7:00 pm, Wednesday, September 17, 2003


Operations Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes

1. Welcome

Attending: Will Doherty (Board Member), Roger Klorese (Board Member), David Weekly (Board Member)

2. Approve Agenda

Agenda approved after lengthy process of determining what items should be moved from OPG board meeting agenda.

3. Committee Responsibilities

Roger says "make things work." Will says we need to say more about this at another meeting of this committee.

4. Financial Report

Will provided brief report. David mentioned cost of additional cabinet and bandwidth at HE. Final month at UL. Mystery of Network for Good donations from mid-May on. Will revising current fiscal year budget which calls for monthly targets of $6,000 in revenue except larger for December 2003 and April 2004.

6. Online Services

First talked about the move. Roger updating the move status sheet.

- Services:

A. Email

Roger answered Will's question on email documentation.

Action Item: Roger to make recommendations for improving email request forms. [Done]

B. Email list hosting

Action Item: Roger to let Will know where any existing documentation is so we can link to it from the OPG email list tutorial.

Action Item: Roger and Will to come up with email list categories and a pull-down for those categories on the email list request forms. [3x renew]

C. Website hosting

Action Item: Roger to set up the web hosting location for the website.

Action Item: Roger to determine which sites need DNS changes that clients must take care of.

Action Item: Will to document the fact that a central script repository exists.

Action Item: Roger to investigate whether OPG can make MoveableType available to clients so they can set up blogs. [Can't have centralized MoveableType install due to licensing issues: "hosting or offering to host" is not allowed. Drupal is an alternative that is centrally installable. Roger will investigate Drupal further, especially implications for Calliope-related functionality. Roger to set up testing of centralized Drupal installation. 2x Renew]

Action Item: Roger to investigate whether OPG can make Gallery available to clients so they can set up picture galleries. [Done, although central install not possible]

Action Item: Roger to add central script repository on [Done, use /cgi-central instead of /cgi-bin for shared scripts, Will to document in website tutorial]

Action Item: Roger to set up auto-generated email list of website-owners. [Renewed x5, pending move to]

Backlog of web hosting requests will be handled in the next couple of weeks.

CCCP is also doing virtual web hosting, so we agreed to speak about coordination of web hosting services at the next ops meeting.

D. Domain registrations

Backlog of domain registration requests should be handled by this coming Tuesday evening.

Action Item: Will to remove domain registration form from services page and to fix web, email, and email list hosting forms so that domain registration can be requested from those forms. [Form removed from services page, but not yet fixed so domain registrations can occur directly on other forms.]

Action Item: Will to put possibility of using OPG as agent on domain registration form so that clients may stay out of whois database. [3x renew]

E. Colocation services

100 mbps and sixth cabinet added at HE.

Action Item: Roger to obtain shelf for installation of harveymilk and harrybritt servers at HE.

Action Item: David and Roger will work together to set up a verifiable and automatically generated email list of CCCP clients. [Roger will send David instructions about how to automate creation of the email list.]

Action Item: Roger to remove any unneeded colo lists set up by OPG staff. [Done]

Action Item: David to send Will info on colo equipment needs, specifically a router and any switches and the prices for those if they can be obtained through donations. [Renew]

F. Technical consulting

G. Educational training

H. Computer refurbishing/donation

Mitch refurbished a development machine for use on the Calliope project.

Action Item: Biella to investigate proposal to Alameda County Resource Center. [3x Renew, transferred to Mitch]

I. New services

- Infrastructure:

Action Item: Roger to set up phpwiki for OPG to include pages for boar d action items, operations committee items, advisory board, and backup /redundancy plans. [Will to do this after OPG website move]

Action Item: Will to enter all board action items into new opg-board queue in RT task manager. [David proposed using wiki instead, Will will install wiki for this purpose, 2x renew]

J. Task Manager

Action Item: David to verify that RT backups are happening daily. [Renew]

Action Item: Will to add default support queues for email lists, web hosting, and domain registrations. [Will to instead put links to the general support form from each area, 3x renew]

Action Item: Will to set up twice weekly aggregated automated RT email reminders. [4x Renew]

K. Upgrades

L. Redundancy

Action Item: Roger and David W. to do a written redundancy plan including mail server (MX2), local backups, remote backups, spam block recovery, web server failover, crash notification, DNS redundancy, and get in touch with Micah of Tech Fed. [2x Renew, Update: just need to set up disk-to-disk backups at HE without MX2 or remote backups, but still considering spam block redundancy, web server failover, crash notification, DDOS recovery, and DNS redundancy.]

6. Outreach

- Prioritize clients to publicize in media releases

- Prioritize clients to publicize in OPG ENEWS

Action Item: Will to add a standing agenda item for the Operations Advisory Committee to prioritize which clients we want to do publicity on in the coming month. [Done]

Action Item: David to put CCCP clients in priority order for publicity.

Action Items Referred Back to OPG Corporate Board:

Action Item: Alayna to add Veritas Foundation to the list ( [Will to refer this to OPG Grant Writer intern Sharon, 2x Renew]

Action Item: Will to make the items for free services and donations are on the front page, but want them to be more obvious. [3x renew, waiting for graphic designer, move to Board agenda]

Action Item: Roger to ask Beth Weise of NLGJA to pitch or let OPG pitch a story on OPG to their members. [2x renew, ask is done, waiting for reply, Roger will try again with new contact, move to Board agenda]

Action Item: Biella to recruit Larry Lessig for Academic Advisory Board. [2x Renewed, Biella will interview Lessig and ask him on March 4, Will will ask Biella, move to Board agenda]

Action Item: Will to ask Cynthia Cooper to organize a meeting of advisory board members. [Done, move to Board agenda]

Action Item: Will to get graphic intern to do QueerNet logo plus QueerNet and CCCP inserts for the brochure, as well as office signs once logos are done. [Renewed x4: QueerNet will happen when a graphic design volunteer appears, David W.'s co-worker made a new logo for CCCP, Roger to ask *-owners lists for graphic design help, move to Board agenda]

Action Item: Will to experiment with brochure design to move name of organization down and increase size of motto while decreasing size of contact info block. [Renewed x4 will happen when a graphic design volunteer appears, move to Board agenda]

Action Item: Will to investigate T-shirt designs. [Renewed x4: May have to wait for a graphic design volunteer. Roger to send Will idea he received from Carol for T-shirt design, move to Board agenda.]

Action Item: Roger and Will to do test market email to [list|web|colo]-owners about T-shirts and stickers and ask them for designs. [Renewed x4, move to Board agenda]

Action Item: Biella to attend a BAIDO meeting and let them know about OPG. [Renewed x4, need to assign to someone else, move to Board agenda]

Action Item: Roger to write web page explaining how AOL handles different categories of incoming email. [Renewed x5, move to Board agenda.]

7. Legal

- Representation

Our attorney got a job at Google and is referring us to new attorney for pro bono work.

- Terms of Service Policy

Need to make sure our warranty also covers refurbished computer donations.

- Privacy Policy

8. Human Resources

- Volunteer recruitment (regular weekly project meetings)

Action Item: Biella to request creation of [3x Renew, Roger will setup and administer the list because Biella can't]

- Intern recruitment

9. Vacation and travel schedules

- David and Will no plan
- Roger moving to Seattle on July 28 and may not have Internet connectivity at home and starts working on July 31. Will also travel in September conflicting with OPG board meeting.

10. Next meeting(s):

- 7:00 pm, Wednesday, August 20, 2003

- 7:00 pm, Wednesday, September 17, 2003


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