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Examples of Inappropriate Blocking

N2H2 Bess Inappropriate Blocking

This section contains a list of web pages blocked inappropriately by N2H2 Bess, including their location, title, the block code N2H2 cited, and a comment about the categorization and the appropriateness of the block. To prevent introducing bias into the selection, every thousandth blocked web page is listed.

[1] Jim Romenesko's Obscure Store and Reading Room,, Profanity, Miscategorized as Profanity, inappropriately blocked, and has no visual depictions that would require blocking under CIPA.

[2] The Middle East and the Peace Process: The Impact of the Oslo Accords,, Electronic Commerce, Categorized properly as Electronic Commerce since it is possible to order a book from this page, but inappropriately blocked and has no visual depictions that would require blocking under CIPA.

[3] Email List Archive of from December 2001,, Message/ Bulletin Boards, Categorized properly as Message/ Bulletin Boards since it is an archive of an email list that has a link making it possible to email the list, but inappropriately blocked and has no visual depictions that would require blocking under CIPA.

[4] Final Conflict NewsEmail,, Free Pages, Categorized properly as Free Pages, but inappropriately blocked and has no visual depictions that would require blocking under CIPA.

[5] Multicultural Folk Dance Videos,, Electronic Commerce, Categorized properly as Electronic Commerce since it is possible to order folk dance videos and CDs from this page, but inappropriately blocked and has no visual depictions that would require blocking under CIPA.

[6] Web Art's Nature,, Free pages, Categorized properly as Free Pages, but inappropriately blocked and has no visual depictions that would require blocking under CIPA.

[7] Poetry-making and Policy-making: Magic and Image-building,, Pornography, Miscategorized as Pornography, inappropriately blocked, and has no visual depictions that would require blocking under CIPA.

[8] Brow Chakra - Understanding Logic, Access Intuition -- Expand Your Mind Intellectually and Physically,, Pornography, Miscategorized as Pornography, inappropriately blocked, and has no visual depictions that would require blocking under CIPA.

[9] MSN Chat,, Chat, Categorized properly as Chat, but inappropriately blocked and has no visual depictions that would require blocking under CIPA.

[10] Unreachable Address,, Free Pages, Unreachable.

[11] Maryland Mental Health Online,, Free Pages, Miscategorized as Free Pages because AOL charges for service including web pages, inappropriately blocked, and also has no visual depictions that would require blocking under CIPA.

[12] Unreachable Address,, Free Pages, Unreachable.

[13] Uli Rennert - About Improvisation,, Pornography, Miscategorized as Pornography, inappropriately blocked, and has no visual depictions that would require blocking under CIPA.

[14] Abraham Lincoln Inaugural Address,, Recreation/ Entertainment, Miscategorized as Recreation/Entertainment, inappropriately blocked, and has no visual depictions that would require blocking under CIPA.

[15] The Torch of Jeremiah,, Free Pages, Categorized properly as Free Pages, but has no visual depictions that would require blocking under CIPA.

[16] Kids Software - Phonics 1a Vowel Sounds Beginning Reading,, Games, Miscategorized as Games since it doesn't offer an online game on this page but is a description of an educational game and has no visual depictions that would require blocking under CIPA and is inappropriately blocked.

[17],, Electronic Commerce, Lingerie, Nudity, Recreation/Entertainment, Sex, Categorized correctly only for the Recreation/Entertainment blocking code but inappropriately blocked and has no visual depictions that would require blocking under CIPA.

[18] The Trouble With France,, Hate/ Discrimination, Miscategorized, inappropriately blocked, and has no visual depictions that would require blocking under CIPA.

[19] Patterns Parameter - In Depth and Syntax,, Electronic Commerce, Miscategorized, inappropriately blocked, and has no visual depictions that would require blocking under CIPA.

[20] Colorado Model Content Standards for Dance,, Pornography, Miscategorized, inappropriately blocked, and has no visual depictions that would require blocking under CIPA.

[21] Science of Ethics, by Arthur M. Jackman,, Free Pages, Miscategorized since Yahoo Geocities charges for domain name registration, inappropriately blocked, and has no visual depictions that would require blocking under CIPA.

[22] How to Write a Damn Good Novel,, Electronic Commerce, Categorized correctly since it is possible to order book from this page but inappropriately blocked and has no visual depictions that would require blocking under CIPA.

[23] Project A,, Profanity, Categorized correctly but inappropriately blocked and has no visual depictions that would require blocking under CIPA.

[24] City Dance, Stadttanz, Zentralperspektive, Tanz, Architektur,, Free Pages, Miscategorized because AOL charges for service including web pages, inappropriately blocked, and has no visual depictions that would require blocking under CIPA.

[25] Cross Stitch Links,, Free Pages, Categorized correctly but is inappropriately blocked and has no visual depictions that would require blocking under CIPA.

[26] Center of Greek Language and Culture,, Nudity, Categorized correctly at one in time because had image of Greek statue with naked breast, but is inappropriately blocked and has no visual depictions that would require blocking under CIPA.

[27] Transitions Daily Web Home,, Free Pages, Miscategorized as Free Pages because AOL charges for web pages but is inappropriately blocked and also has no visual depictions that would require blocking under CIPA.

[28] Mrs. Hollis's Syllabus Page,, Free Pages, Categorized correctly but inappropriately blocked and has no visual depictions that would require blocking under CIPA.

[29] 2002 Pacific Planning, Assessment & IR Conference Presentation Abstracts,, Free Pages, Categorized correctly but inappropriately blocked and has no visual depictions that would require blocking under CIPA.

[30] Intellectual Self-Reliance,, Electronic Commerce, Categorized correctly but inappropriately blocked and has no visual depictions that would require blocking under CIPA.

[31] Electrical & Electronics, Ohm's Law, Formulas & Equations,, Free Pages, Miscategorized, inappropriately blocked, and has no visual depictions that would require blocking under CIPA.

SurfControl Inappropriate Blocking

This section contains a list of web pages blocked inappropriately by SurfControl, including their location, title, the block code SurfControl cited, and a comment about the categorization and the appropriateness of the block. To prevent introducing bias into the selection, every hundredth blocked web page is listed.

[1] Commercial Sex Information Service,, Adult / Sexually Explicit, Miscategorized although web page provides a disclaimer that it is an adult page, it doesn't contain any adult or sexually explicit content and has no visual depictions that would require blocking under CIPA.

[2] How to play: Free Casino Games,, Gambling, Categorized correctly but has no visual depictions that would require blocking under CIPA.

[3] Stormfront, Unreachable Address,, Hate Speech, Unreachable page on supremacist website.

[4] Premium Support,, Web-based Email, Miscategorized because, although mentions Web-based Email, doesn't provide it from this page, inappropriately blocked and has no visual depictions that would require blocking under CIPA.

[5] The Costumer's Manifesto,, Glamour & Intimate Apparel, Categorized correctly but inappropriately blocked and has no visual depictions that would require blocking under CIPA.

[6] Responding To Arguments Against Comprehensive Sexuality Education,, Sex Education, Categorized correctly since it discusses contraceptive use, but is inappropriately blocked and has no visual depictions that would require blocking under CIPA.

[7] Unreachable Address,, Gambling, Unreachable

[8] Mount Olive Township Fraternal Order of Police: Mistreatment of the Elderly,, Adult/Sexually Explicit, Miscategorized although the page mentions sexual assault on elderly persons in the context of elderly abuse prevention, inappropriately blocked, and has no visual depictions that would require blocking under CIPA.

[9] ODC Bulletin on Narcotics - 1968 Issue 1,, Drugs, Alcohol & Tobacco, Miscategorized, inappropriately blocked, and has no visual depictions that would require blocking under CIPA.

[10] Marriage and Family Processes,, Adult/Sexually Explicit, Miscategorized, inappropriately blocked, and has no visual depictions that would require blocking under CIPA.

[11] Ethnic Clothes: German,, Glamour & Intimate Apparel, Miscategorized, inappropriately blocked, and has no visual depictions that would require blocking under CIPA.

[12] Unreachable Address,, Adult/Sexually Explicit, Unreachable

[13] Oral Contraceptive Pill,, Sex Education, Categorized correctly since it discusses contraceptive use, but inappropriately blocked and has no visual depictions that would require blocking under CIPA.

[14] Insights Training Center: Patrol Officer Combatives,, Weapons, Miscategorized, inappropriately blocked, and has no visual depictions that would require blocking under CIPA.

[15] Stop Promoting Homosexuality International,, Hate Speech, Categorized correctly but has no visual depictions that would require blocking under CIPA.

[16] Biblical & Other Thoughts: Job,, Hate Speech, Miscategorized, inappropriately blocked, and has no visual depictions that would require blocking under CIPA.

[17] Declaration of Independence Day,, Adult/Sexually Explicit, Miscategorized, inappropriately blocked, and has no visual depictions that would require blocking under CIPA.

[18] History, Science and Consequences of the Atomic Bomb,, Weapons, Miscategorized, inappropriately blocked, and has no visual depictions that would require blocking under CIPA.

[19] Unreachable Address,, Adult/Sexually Explicit, Unreachable.

[20] Pineal Gland Power Pinoline Cancer Cure,, Drugs, Alcohol & Tobacco, Miscategorized, inappropriately blocked, and has no visual depictions that would require blocking under CIPA.

[21] Social Changes in Great Britain Before 1815,, Glamour & Intimate Apparel, Miscategorized, inappropriately blocked, and has no visual depictions that would require blocking under CIPA.

[22] Family Research Institute: Special Reports,, Hate Speech, Categorized correctly but has no visual depictions that would require blocking under CIPA.

[23] Assembling Dramatic Play Kits,, Adult/Sexually Explicit, Miscategorized, inappropriately blocked, and has no visual depictions that would require blocking under CIPA.

[24] Sensory Integration,, Adult/Sexually Explicit, Miscategorized, inappropriately blocked, and has no visual depictions that would require blocking under CIPA.

[25] <nettime> The Weekender 080a,, Web-based Email, Miscategorized since it is an archive of email from a listserv rather than web-based email, inappropriately blocked, and has no visual depictions that would require blocking under CIPA.

[26] Astromate: Matchmaking,, Personals & Dating, Miscategorized, inappropriately blocked, and has no visual depictions that would require blocking under CIPA.

[27] Sex, Etc - Stories,, Sex Education, Miscategorized since it mentions topics related to sex education but does not provide them from this page, inappropriately blocked, and has no visual depictions that would require blocking under CIPA.

[28] Glock Magazine Extension,, Weapons, Categorized correctly since it discusses gun accessories and vendors, but has no visual depictions that would require blocking under CIPA.

[29] Preven Online Care Center - Emergency Contraception Information,, Sex Education, Categorized correctly since it discusses contraceptive use, inappropriately blocked, and has no visual depictions that would require blocking under CIPA.

[30] Automatic Diagnosis of Recognition Errors in Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition Systems,, Adult/Sexually Explicit, Miscategorized, inappropriately blocked, and has no visual depictions that would require blocking under CIPA.

[31] Reminiscences of the Civil War,, Weapons, Categorized correctly since it includes description of Civil War artillery and weaponry but inappropriately blocked and has no visual depictions that would require blocking under CIPA.

[32] Grandma's Green Cookbook Order Form,, Drugs, Alcohol & Tobacco, Categorized correctly even though no marijuana mentioned in this pages and has no visual depictions that would require blocking under CIPA.

[33] Essays on Colonial and Pre-Colonial America,, Criminal Skills, Categorized correctly since it sells student essays but inappropriately blocked and has no visual depictions that would require blocking under CIPA.

[34] Ziggy's Wholesale Bulk Merchandise,, Drugs, Alcohol & Tobacco, Categorized correctly since it sells tobacco accessories but inappropriately blocked because it does not sell illegal items, especially not to adult students, and has no visual depictions that would require blocking under CIPA.

[35] Sex in Russia Part II: Queer in Russia,, Adult/Sexually Explicit, Miscategorized, inappropriately blocked, and but has no visual depictions that would require blocking under CIPA.

[36] Love, Romance and Relationship resources,, Personals & Dating, Categorized correctly since it offers personals and dating resources, but inappropriately blocked and has no visual depictions that would require blocking under CIPA.

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