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Online Policy Group Operations Advisory Committee Meeting of September 24, 2003

By phone, 7:00 PM Pacific Time, September 24, 2003

Operations Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda

1. Welcome

2. Approve Agenda

3. Committee Responsibilities

4. Financial Report

- Quick Summary Report

5. Services

- Services:

A. Email

B. Email list hosting

C. Website hosting

D. Domain registrations

E. Colocation services

F. Technical consulting

G. Educational training

H. Computer refurbishing/donation

I. New services

- Infrastructure:

J. Task Manager

K. Upgrades

L. Redundancy and Security

6. Outreach

- Prioritize clients to publicize in media releases

- Prioritize clients to publicize in OPG ENEWS

7. Legal

- Representation

- Terms of Service Policy

- Privacy Policy

8. Human Resources

- Volunteer recruitment (regular weekly project meetings)

- Intern recruitment

9. Vacation and travel schedules

10. Next meeting(s):

- 7:00 pm, Wednesday, September 17, 2003

[OPG Board Meeting
- 12:00 noon, Saturday, September 20, 2003]

- 7:00 pm, Wednesday, October 15, 2003

- 7:00 pm, Wednesday, November 19, 2003

- 7:00 pm, Wednesday, December 17, 2003


Operations Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes

1. Welcome

Attending: Will Doherty (Board Member), Roger Klorese (Board Member), David Weekly (Board Member)

2. Approve Agenda

Agenda approved.

3. Committee Responsibilities

4. Financial Report

Will provided brief report. September donations are going reasonably well, although we are below target for the quarter so far.

5. Services

- Services:

A. Email

B. Email list hosting

Action Item: Roger and Will to come up with email list categories and a pull-down for those categories on the email list request forms. {5x renew, already done for organizations that have multiple lists}

C. Website hosting

Action Item: Roger to investigate whether OPG can make MoveableType available to clients so they can set up blogs. {Can't have centralized MoveableType install due to licensing issues: "hosting or offering to host" is not allowed. Drupal is an alternative that is centrally installable. Roger will investigate Drupal further, especially implications for Calliope-related functionality. Roger to set up testing of centralized Drupal installation. 4x Renew}

Action Item: Roger to set up auto-generated email list of website-owners. {Renewed x6, in process.}

Action Item: David to figure out how to gather email addresses for Plesk clients perhaps into vps-owners-* lists. {Renew}

Action Item: Roger to send update-list-owners script to David. {Renew}

D. Domain registrations

Action Item: Roger to set up domain-owners-* lists. {Renew}

Action Item: Will to fix web, email, and email list hosting forms so that domain registration can be requested from those forms. {Done but not fully integrated}

Action Item: Will to put possibility of using OPG as agent on domain registration form so that clients may stay out of whois database. {5x renew}

E. Colocation services

Action Item: David will set up a verifiable and automatically generated email list of CCCP clients. {Roger sent David instructions about how to automate creation of the email list, 1x renew}

Action Item: Roger to either fix problem with PayPal project designations or send Will the documentation on how to do it. {Renew}

Action Item: Will to contact Roger this weekend about how David can help me get the server. {Done}

Action Item: Roger to call Seattle colo organizing meeting.

Discussed how OPG/CCCP can help incubate colo facilities in other cities and support them until they have around 20 servers and can split off on their own.

Action Item: Roger to contact John Gilmore to discuss the idea.

F. Technical consulting

G. Educational training

H. Computer refurbishing/donation

I. New services

- Infrastructure:

J. Task Manager

Action Item: David to verify that RT backups are happening daily. [Mike Shinn will set up RT backups, Done.]

Action Item: Will to add default support queues for email lists, web hosting, and domain registrations. [Will to instead put links to the general support form from each area, 5x renew]

Action Item: Will to set up twice weekly aggregated automated RT email reminders. [6x Renew, requires further research to find existing perl code, so Will will check with rt-users list]

K. Upgrades

Consider RT upgrade after verifying EFF install of new version of RT works. EFF install not working yet, so waiting for stable version to be installed.

Action Item: Roger to schedule downtime for moving email lists and website hosting to new server.

L. Redundancy and Security

Action Item: Roger and David W. to do a written redundancy plan including mail server (MX2), local backups, remote backups, spam block recovery, web server failover, crash notification, DNS redundancy, and get in touch with Micah of Tech Fed. [2x Renew, Update: just need to set up disk-to-disk backups at HE without MX2 or remote backups, but still considering spam block redundancy, web server failover, crash notification, DDOS recovery, and DNS redundancy. Roger and David to start contributing to wiki item for this.]

Action Item: David to inform CCCP ops team of wiki on redundancy and security. {Renew}

Urged all colo clients to upgrade to avoid new ssh exploits.

Action Item: David to run ssh scan to see what versions people are running.

6. Outreach

- Prioritize clients to publicize in media releases

- Prioritize clients to publicize in OPG ENEWS

Colo clients highlighted this month:

  • Skipped this month

7. Legal

- Representation

Have new attorney for pro bono work. She has given us a draft of TOS updates.

- Terms of Service Policy

Need to make sure our warranty also covers refurbished computer donations.

Action Item: Will to ping new attorney about warranty update. {Will needs to fi nalize changes per board meeting with attorney, then we send out the revised TOS to all clients.}

- Privacy Policy

8. Human Resources

- Volunteer recruitment (regular weekly project meetings)

Three new CCCP ops team members, including a Hurricane Electric administrator.

- Intern recruitment

9. Vacation and travel schedules

David traveling from Friday morning to Sunday evening.

10. Next meeting(s):

- 7:00 pm, Wednesday, October 15, 2003

- 7:00 pm, Wednesday, November 19, 2003

- 7:00 pm, Wednesday, December 17, 2003

- 7:00 pm, Wednesday, January 21, 2004 -end-

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